October, 16 - 18, 2006 - Seminar "CLINICAL TRIALS, ALL ASPECTS, STATE-OF-THE-ART"
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Krejci, Vienna-Austria - Chairman of the European Clinical Trial Associates (ECTA)
The Seminar is part of the post-graduate continuous education. It serves for qualification course on clinical trials and certificates (issued and signed: IMAB, ECTA and Medical University - Varna, Bulgaria) are presented to the participants, future investigators and monitors of clinical trials.

Opening of the Seminar:
from left to right: Prof. G. Krejci, Prof. Kr. Metodiev (President of IMAB), Prof. A. Klissarova (Rector of Med.Univ.Varna)

Lectures and attendants (colleagues, medical directors and chairpersons of ethic commissions of big Bulgarian hospitals, representatives of state authorities, pharmaceutical companies, medical universities


A Seminar with guest-lecturers Prof.Dr. Jahn Nesland, Prof.Dr. Gunnar Kvalheim, both from Norway, and Prof.Dr. Robert Doyle, from USA, in Varna and Veliko Tarnovo, 2000


Between the sessions of a previous Assembly, with Prof.Dr. Tom Kristensen and Dr. Vesella Nedelcheva, both from Norway, and Prof.Dr. George Wassilew, from Germany, 1999, Varna


A Seminar with guest-lecturer Prof.Dr. Pio Conti from Italy, 1999, Targovishte


A Seminar with guest-lecturer Prof.Dr. Jiradej Manosroi from Thailand, 1996, Varna